Certified Bed bug Exterminator

Respected bed bug exterminator in Caraquet, Tracadie-Sheila, Campbellton, Miramichi, and Bathurst, New Brunswick, Mr. Bug Pest Control Services offers quality residential and commercial bedbug extermination services.

With over 25 years of combined experience, the company is known for its quality of work, its rapid response time, and its immediate access to technical support. When you call Mr. Bug Pest Control Services, you do not have to wait 24 to 48 hours until a pest control bed bug exterminator calls you back, because our technicians will tell you what to do immediately when you call. They can answer all your questions regarding the eradication of bed bugs.

Certified Bed bug Exterminator New Brunswick
Fast Bedbug Response Bathurst

Fast Bedbug Response

With Mr. Bug Pest Control Services, you also don't have to wait two or three days for a technician, because a bed bug exterminator will arrive at your residence to begin the extermination process within a maximum of 24 hours from the time we receive your call. Not only is our service fast, but the prices are competitive.
Bed bugs must be managed without delay, not only because they reproduce quickly and are difficult to exterminate – often several treatments are necessary – but because they bite humans at night, leaving red sores on the skin. They are easily transported in suitcases, so that you can become agents of contamination of all the people with whom you are in contact when you travel!
100% Guaranteed Exterminator Tracadie-Sheila

Our Work is 100% Guaranteed

Our bed bug exterminators use diverse methods (steam, insecticide, and vacuum), customized to most efficiently address your situation. A member of the Canadian Pest Management Association, our company uses only environmentally friendly products; so there is no risk to your health and that of your loved ones. Moreover, all our work is 100% guaranteed to give you full satisfaction.
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