Ant Extermination in Paquetville

One of our exterminators will travel to your home or business within 24 hours of your service request.

For an ant extermination in Paquetville, contact a team of exterminators boasting over 45 years of combined experience! They are certified by the Ministry of the Environment, while our company (founded in 2009) is a member of the Canadian Pest Management Association.

Ant exterminator Paquetville
Ant exterminator Paquetville

Guarantees and Follow-Up Plan

Our carpenter and pharaoh ant extermination work is guaranteed for 1 year (written guarantee for interior extermination), whereas for other types of ants, the guarantee lasts between 3 to 12 months. If the ants return during the warranty period, our technicians will redo an ant extermination with no charge.
MR. BUG also offers a follow-up plan which includes quick visits for emergency treatments, as well as preventative visits (monthly, bi-monthly or quarterly) allowing to stave off the return of the ants. It is also possible to spray the perimeter of your house or commercial building, at the base, in order to repel the ants.
1 year warranty extermination Paquetville 1 year warranty extermination Paquetville

Extermination of Ants of All Kinds

Our team conducts exterminations of ants of all kinds (carpenter, pavement, pharaoh, black or red ants, etc.). We use pest control products approved by Health Canada. These products are specifically designed to exterminate ants, and do not pose any health risks when they are used with care.
In addition, our experience in ant extermination in Paquetville allows us to use methods adapted to the type of ants to be exterminated, to the size of the primary and satellite nests, as well as to their placement. For businesses, it is possible for us to intervene outside operating hours. Our services are quick and discreet.
Prior to our visit, we will explain to you how to prepare the areas for the extermination of the ants. And once these will be completely exterminated, we will offer you recommendations to help prevent another infestation. Patching holes and cracks, applying a rigid plastic to the bottom of doors, removing logs or rotten patio wood from the yard, reducing the level of humidity in the house and removing seeds from your food in the kitchen are effective ways.
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